Nata Lisboa - The Taste of Portuguese Tradition

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I Found Some Love in Porto Through The Culinary Experiences

I just sent my travel article about Portugal for one magazine by email when the taste of Pasteis de Nata still linger on my mind, yup I was writing many times about the wonderful taste of Nata in my articles.
Pasteis de Nata is a Portuguese custard tarts which is made from flaky-pastry tarts with a baked custard filling. The original recipe was invented by a Catholic monks since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, in Belém, next to the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (the Heironymite Monastery)

As a home of the pastel de nata, Belém is a must visit city if you are in Lisbon. Just be patient that you ll see the long queue to enter this bakery and its warm pasteis de Nata fresh from the oven. ( The rest of the story about my experience in Belém, click here )

The World Needs NATA

This Nata kind of thing is so highly addicted, If only Belém is close enough from where I live.
But I wont be so sad anymore to know that the chain bakery which sell Portuguese delicacy is finally in town. NATA LISBOA is the Portuguese franchise success story that has made it to Antwerp. This franchise is popping up in cities all over the world with their slogan ‘the world needs NATA’, well I have no idea about the world though, one thing for certain that I surely needs NATA, I mean I could finish this small sweet of Portuguese love in one bite, or two.

A bit of sugar and cinnamon 
Nationalestraat 6
Antwerp, Belgium


  1. whyyyy, Kak? Whyyyyyyyy? *nangis di pojokan*

  2. Beuh! Kamuuuu....lucky bangeeett. Kayaknya klo ada ini di Jogja tiap hari minta dikirimin aja deh hakaka...

    1. saking kepengennya langsung kalap di hari ke 5 tempat ini buka, makan di tempat dan bawa pulang pula, sekarang malah eneg kalau ngebayangin ha ha ha mungkin krn udah puas :))


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