day trip to Burano was one of the very first activities I planned for
my trip to Venice this time, it simply cause I want to see the other
part of Venice that I ve never seen before.
Venice in summer is
absolutely crazy with tourists, and to be in Burano for a day is a
perfect side trip.
Flickr & Instagram, I did a lot of brainstorming by browsing photos
about Burano. The island is just too famous and popular for its
pretty colors and with all the colorful homes and laundry-filled
alleyways, Burano is a true amateur photographers dream.

Actually like the other village in Venice lagoon, Burano
is an old fishing village whose traditions date back to Roman times. Families who live in Burano used to paint their homes in bright
colors to designate where their family’s quarters ended and a
neighbor’s began, as well as to make their homes more visible from
the sea.
read in several posts that if someone wishes to paint their home,
one must send a request to the government, who will respond by making
notice of the certain colours permitted for that.
lunch with sea food menu is a must, fresh seafood caught by the local
fisherman is a real treat. Squid ink pasta and pasta with mussels in
white wine sauce, absolutely a finger licking menus to try.
cakepp bngt kak Fe warna warninya Burano ini,, mupeng sangatt :D
ReplyDelete@ClarissaMey :Cantik yaaaa.....berasa di fairy tale ! :-)
ReplyDeleteRumah ungu, anduk ungu. aduh Kak Feb..kok nemu aja sih temat sekeceh inih....
ReplyDeletewah sama nih.. sesama penyuka ungu.. gk tahan liat yg ungu2.. :)
Deleteya ampuuuuunnnnn, tembok rumah warna warni, anduk yg dijemurpun colorful gitu, tp ttep aja kliatan KECEH ^o^
ReplyDeleteDan itu aku ngiler liat pasta cumi nyaaa... #laper
Sama bangettt..... aku pengen Cumiinya jugaaaaaaaaaaaa.........
Deleteya ammpunn aku mauu tinggal di rumah yg Pink Fanta ituu kak, cakep cakep bener sih warna-warna rumahnya, di sini, di Copenhagen, di Iceland juga ada rumah warna warni haduuuhhh seruuu
ReplyDeletebtw spaghetinya itu bumbu apa yah? warnanya hitam, kalo di sini aku pernahnya makan mie item (spaghetinya warna hitam karna dibuatnya pake tinta cumi)
Kalo warna2 cerah gini mood ok terus kali yah sepanjang hari :D Seruu bgt, siapa tau ada kebijakan Mentri baru suruh kayak gini juga yah di Indonesia.. :D
ReplyDeletewaduuuh bakalan betah di sini kayaknya, semarak banget ..
ReplyDeletejadi ingat ada iklan cat yg modelnya orang2 Latino, jangan2 di sini lokasi shootingnya
iya nih.. bakalan betah banget kalau tinggal di sebuah tempat yg unik dan kerren kyak gitu :D
DeleteWarnanya cakep-cakep, kontras banget sama warna pastanya.
ReplyDeletebener banget.. cakep dan gk norak.. jdi pngn kesana ;D
Deletewalaupun warnanya ngejreng2..gitu tpi gk keliatan norak..keren2 :D
DeleteMey : Mupeng ya ! Sama aku juga mulanya begitu, karena liat di Instagram, lgs mupeng ! :)
ReplyDeleteKak Tesya : xixiixi seru ya kak ! :))
ReplyDeletemasih ada beberapa nih bucket list di Italia yg masih aku pengen datengin, keren bgt tp gak mainstream :))
Fanny : Pasta ink fish nya sumpah enakkk bgt Fan !!!
ReplyDeleteMeidi : Bener bgt Mei, itu dari tinta cumi...nyumehhhh !
ReplyDeletePy : Ciliwung di cat kayak gini, juara pasti ! :))
ReplyDeleteMonda : Bisa jadi Mond, cocok bgt buat iklan cat emang :))
ReplyDeleteAiltje : Iya juga ya hitam pekat dan warna warni, good eyes !
ReplyDeleteWah warna2 bangunannya enak banget diliat. Semoga nanti bisa kesitu heheh :)
colourgasm ya Von :)
Deletewah, bagus banget nih pemandangannya.. kira2 di indonesia ada gk ya kyk gini?
ReplyDeleteKeren banget ya :D Seriusan ini tempat keren banget :D
ReplyDeletewaah.... rumahnya itu kayak memiliki kesan tersendiri krn banyak banget warna2 yg bisa saling melengkapi ^^
ReplyDeleteSumpahhhhhhhh pengen ke situuuuuuuu... mauuuu ^^
ReplyDeleteWah keren jadi pingin kesitu..