Long Live The King of Thailand

We were lucky enough to arrive in Thailand during the days where the King Bhumibol Adulyadei celebrated His 83 years old birthday ( December 5th 2010).
To celebrate this occasion, the public and private sectors are joining hands in organizing various activities in Bangkok and other provinces , decorated with flags and giant portraits of the beloved Thai king as well as royal and national flags.

On the morning of the king’s birthday , we visited the Grand Palace and feel the ambiance of the happiness of the people. The people came from around Bangkok and other provinces and did the praying and together sitting in the floor waiting until the time that the King gives some speech.

Not only in Grand Palace that is happening, as well in many shopping centres, central train stations , government offices are full with celebrations such showcase of the King's contributions to culture and the arts and his patronage of all religions in Thailand. And not to mention, the most and spectacular ceremony was held along the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok , A large number of people will join the candle-lighting ceremony on the boats, which will be decorated with spectacular lights and flowers.

The King’s birthday is also National Father’s Day and Thai’s gather with their families to honor their fathers and grandfathers as well as the King.

