6 Most Favorite Brunch Spots in Antwerp

I cant thank universe enough to have Antwerp as my recent town to live. Antwerp is such a vibrant city and know how to celebrate art, history, culture and even the high end fashion, surrounded by 16th century guild houses and Art Nouveau gems. Only for this reason I m so thrill to call this city my home.

I believe everyone who ever visited Antwerp will agree if I say that Antwerp has its own beauty with beautiful tourism and everywhere you go you will find many different kind of restos, tematic cafes, traditional bistros that serve a superb dishes. If you are a culinary seeker, this city wont let you down.
This Wednesday, #CeritaJalanAsik will share an article about our fave brunch spot at our own town. Aggy from Dream Explore Wander is writing about her favorite brunch spots in Jogjakarta, and Noni from Nyonya Sepatu shares her favorite brunch spot in Medan.
Dont forget to click on the links to read more and get inspired!

Brunch in the weekend is a great time to embrace the mid-morning meal, we have selflessly brunch our way around the city and here are my fave brunch spots in Antwerp, which range from you can grab sandwiches to-go or and where you can indulge longer mornings.


WasBar as the name suggests, a launderette and a cafe all in one, with a chic interior, pastel chairs and tables.
The idea of this cafe is simply brilliant, one stop when when you can enjoy your hot latte and your laundry is ready to be done.
Every weekend, there is a buffet brunch, all you can eat for €20 per person ( including prosecco ) which I consider a good bargain for Antwerp's standard.
Address : Graaf van Egmontstraat 5, 2000 Antwerpen
+32 3 344 91 04


Located pretty close to the Antwerp central station, Escobar is not a new player in town, probably they opened their first door around 3 years ago and since then it s always our fave stop to have our fresh mint tea and homemade cake.
I love the details of this cafe, so vintage and old school inspired. They also have a cozy backyard, very enjoyable to sit during warm spring or summer.
The owner and staffs are very friendly and sweet, the owner himself is originally come from Latin America ( Chile if I m not mistaken ) , so you probably will love their Latin music collections.
Ah ya btw, if your name is Escobar, come and visit Escobar and you will get a free drink! :-)

Address : Quellinstraat 32, 2018 Antwerpen
Phone: 03 336 18 11


Having a bio vegetarian dishes for brunch? Why not! In fact I love vegetarian menu, not only because it s healhty and actually I m not get into too much meat or fish during the day, thus Native is perfect to explore for me.
In recent years, a growing trend toward vegetarianism has arisen due to their increasing awareness of health, the environment and compassion for animals. And Native can read this opportunity well!
Everyday they serve a different kind of delicious organic foods, quiche with quinoa instead of meat, risotto with roasted cauliflower and black olive, and many more.

Muntstraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen
Phone: 0478 40 07 11


Entering De Foyer is like going back in time to the 19th century era, those chandeliers, marble pillars and ornate dome that will blow you away in a second you enter this building.
De Foyer located on the 1st floor of a La Bourla Theatre, in the past this is the place where the guests come to eat before or after the show, but now they open for the public.
La Bourla Theatre itself is one of the famous building in town, the circular neo classic building is a local's pride.

La Bourla offers a good selection of food in a wide price range. I enjoyed most of their Flemish traditional dishes.

Address : Komedieplaats 18, 2000 Antwerpen
Tel: 03 233 55 17


For the love of an unique decoration and interior, I put Lojola as my fave brunch in town. Located in the heart of the city, in one of most atmospheric square ( Hendrik Conscienceplein ) in Antwerp, Lojola serves different kind of pies, homemade cakes, pastries.
Every girls will fall in love immediately by just passing by this small cafe, especially in the summer where they put a lovely little chair and rug in front of the cafe.

Address: 14 Hendrik Conscienceplein, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium,
+32 4 72 22 92 86


Like what I mentioned in the beginning, Antwerp is a city that proud with its history. For instance this L’Entrepôt du Congo, back then in early 1900s, this building was a warehouse stocking African coffee and oil transported by boat to Antwerp's port. But now, you can enjoying your brunch in this lovely resto with the original ornaments and details.
Eventhough it is located very nearby to the tourist attraction, Museum of Contemporary Art, but it always full with local customers, as local knows their best resto to hop in, right?

Address: 42 Vlaamsekaai, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium,
Phone : +32 4 75 52 82 15



  1. semua bagus2 banget sih :) gemes

  2. Iya nih lucu2 semua...eh itu yang Wasbar, ada seterikaan kuno hihihi... Mereka attention to details banget ya

  3. ihhh ngebayangin yg wasbar, aku mungkin bakal lupa td naro laundry-an mbak ;p.

    trs yg restoran l'entrepot du congo (ini bacanya piye toh :D) aku juga penasaran.. krn tulisannya susah dan penasaran ama makanan afrika :D

    1. Makanannya bukan makanan Afrika sih Fan, makanan lokal sini, interiornya aja yg diadaptasi dari Congo yang adalah bekas jajahannya Belgia, kan restoran ini dulunya gudang barang bawaan dari Congo :)

  4. escobar kak cakep namanya juga unik


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