What To Do in Riga, Latvia

Latvia is still considered to be ‘off the beaten track’ for a traveller. This Europe's best kept secret destination was picturesque and full of charm with buildings dating back to the 16th -18th centuries.

The Old City of Riga is incredibly accessible by foot, if you'd prefer there is free walking tour everyday at 12:00 in front of St Peter Church, however we decided to create our own self made tour with maps and sense of direction.

1. Get Lost in the Old City
You have a map and still get lost, well that s often happened though...

2. Riga’s Central Market
What do you think if I tell you that Riga has the biggest traditional market in Europe? And it s located just beside the bus terminal of Riga, easy to find.

Find my article about Riga's Market in : here

3. Museum of Occupation of Latvia
whether you are a museum person or not, this museum is worth a visit, it cost nothing and will give you an ideas how Latvia is in the past. 

4. Freedom Monument
Riga doesn't have Eiffel nor Liberty but they do have a freedom monument. Freedom monument  was where the first demonstrations for Latvian freedom took place in Riga 1987

5. Riga Coffee
Spend your morning and euro to taste a glass of Riga coffee. It s an authentic coffee mixed with Riga Black Balsam, the liquor original from Latvia. Taste almost the same like Irish coffee though. 

Enjoy the traditional Latvian food in no 5 the best restaurant in Europe. 
Riga can be so proud as they can be, cause one of the best restaurant in Europe is located in their city. 
Read my review about Renommê in here.

Home-made rye waffle with local specialities in Renomme Restaurant

7. Art Nouveau
Riga old town is like an open museum, what you have to do is just open your eyes and see around you, in the top of the building, the swirls of plants, the door knockers and any other various used to decorate the Art Nouveau. Very interesting and fascinating. 
Architect lovers will be delighted. 

Have you ever been to Riga before? 


  1. Aku belum pernah kesana :') tapi pengen kesana tapi kapan yaa :'D hihihi

  2. tau gaaa..gw pernah pengen namain anak gw nantinya dengan nama Riga Latvia, hahahahaa...sehubungan Riga kan skronim nama gw en misua, eh tapi kok yah anaknya ga nongol2..ya sdhlah...hiks

    The Traveling Cow | Gonta ganti mobil ala horang kayah pake Uber Taxi

    1. ihh lucu banget Riga....cute !
      tetep semangat dong kak, the best stil has to come :-)


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